🥇Who We Are

$RUNNER is composed of a team of dedicated crypto enthusiasts, with over one hundred years of combined experience in the crypto market. While our team is large, it suits or goal: To become the most innovative deflationary token project on Ethereum mainnet. What does our team bring to the table?

Experience. We have seen every side of the market through bull and bear and back. There is nothing that our team has not experienced before.

Skills. Teams without diverse skillsets will always struggle in a fickle market. Our team of $RUNNER's have skills in every facet, whether it be creating a Gitbook, leading raids, mobilizing communities, connecting with influencers, or coding a smart contract.

Mindset. In the cryptocurrency space, sentiment is everything. Those with defeatist mindsets never succeed. The $RUNNER team recognizes the power of positivity and is looking forward to running together with everyone who joins our race.

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