🎽How We Work

$RUNNER is able to successfully provide value in the short, medium, and long-term due to its never-ending infusion of reflections, buybacks, burns, ad liquidity injections. Like the runner who catches a second (and sometimes third) wind, $RUNNER's design allows for the potential of never-ending market run-ups. Let's look at how the token's design supports its innovative purpose.

$RUNNER carries a five percent tax on both buys and sells. This tax is used to strengthen the project in five ways.

Auto Buybacks: One percent is utilized for automated buybacks deposited into the chart. Like a runner gearing up to sprint speed, these buys help to ensure a constantly increasing floor. This supports community sentiment and allows us to strengthen our chart for current holders and those looking to invest.

Auto Burns: Just as in qualifying races, where a shrinking supply of those competing helps us better see the skills of those who remain, the one percent auto burn that $RUNNER utilizes increases the value of the token for each holder. The constantly decreasing supply means each remaining token's value is higher. This creates bullish vibes, allowing for quicker, and more impactful, community growth.

Auto Reflections: Practice makes perfect; the runner who continues to hone their skill ends up with greater opportunity at the end. With $RUNNER, holding and accumulating our token will provide you with more and more $RUNNER tokens deposited into your wallet. One percent of collected tax goes to these reflections; the more $RUNNER you hold, the more $RUNNER you earn.

Auto Liquidity: Racers have to train in all conditions to be most successful. Our $RUNNER token is designed to inject one percent of collected tax into the liquidity pool. This strengthens the token's resilience and allows it to weather market storms, just like the racers who build their skills in all environments.

Project Wallet: Real-life runners need a community and team to excel. Our $RUNNER token is no different. The final one percent of collected tax will be utilized to fund partnerships, explore connections, and grow our community. Our network is our net worth, and funds to build both will allow $RUNNER to finish first place in a crowded market.

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